Tropoje? Vlora Hotels ... Built in the shape of the ancient miracle of architecture as its name suggests, this hotel offers a wonderful combination of high standards, central location and the traditional Albanian hospitality. The 3 stars were awarded by the Albanian Ministry of Tourism to this hotel that offers all modern comforts associated with this rating. At Colosseo Hotel you can relax in a quiet and comfort ambiance and enjoy excellent quality food and service. ...
These units maintained detainment cells in Babine, a logistics centre near the border region of bTropoja/b; in the training camp of Burrel and at a KLA base in Durres, according to our third source, another member of the KLA. Bislim Zyrapi, currently an official at the Interior Ministry of Kosovo, was responsible for the b....../b The city of Vlora in southern Albania, which a decade ago was considered a hot spot for human trafficking, is reinventing itself as a bvacation/b hub. ...